Viewing articles tagged 'mastodon'
Here’s a complete bash script for performing a PostgreSQL database backup using pg_dump, allowing...
Copying your Mastodon installation to a new server without losing anything. 1 - Install new...
Update system packages apt update && apt upgrade -y Install fail2ban so it...
In this tutorial, I will show you how to run Soapbox-Fe as your main fronted on top of...
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to install more then one mastodon instances on a...
If you would like to retain Mastodon FE on your Mastodon server, but install Soapbox alongside it...
This is how I got Mastodon to use an external SMTP server to deliver outgoing mail.I received...
In this tutorial I will show you how to install mastodon glitch version. Glitch-soc is based on...
Exporting your information The data export page in settingsAt any time you want, you can...
Thanks to Mastodon's open API, you can use it from any of these apps developed by third-party...
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