Webuzo provides a user-friendly interface for managing SSL/TLS certificates, enabling you to secure your websites with HTTPS. Here's how you can manage SSL certificates through the Webuzo Enduser Panel:

1. Accessing SSL Management:

  • Log in to your Webuzo Enduser Panel.
  • Navigate to the Security section.
  • Click on SSL Certificates.

2. Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR):

  • In the SSL Certificates section, select Generate CSR.
  • Fill in the required details:
    • Key Size: Choose 2048 bits.
    • Domain: Enter your domain name.
    • Country Code: Enter your country code.
    • State: Enter your state.
    • Locality: Enter your city.
    • Company Name: Enter your company name.
    • Email: Enter your email address.
    • Passphrase: Enter a passphrase to secure your private key.
  • Click Create to generate the CSR.

3. Ordering and Configuring the SSL Certificate:

  • After generating the CSR, order an SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
  • During the ordering process, you'll be prompted to provide the CSR generated in the previous step.
  • Complete the domain validation process as required by the CA.

4. Installing the SSL Certificate:

  • Once the SSL certificate is issued, return to the SSL Certificates section in Webuzo.
  • Click on Install Certificate.
  • Select your domain from the dropdown list.
  • Paste the following into the respective fields:
    • Private Key: Paste the private key generated earlier.
    • Certificate: Paste the SSL certificate provided by the CA.
    • CABundle (Optional): If your CA provided a CA bundle (intermediate certificate), paste it here.
  • Click Install to apply the SSL certificate to your domain.

5. Verifying the SSL Installation:

  • After installation, visit your website using https:// to ensure the SSL certificate is active.
  • You can also use online tools like SSL Labs' SSL Test to verify the installation and check for any issues.

For a visual guide on installing an SSL/TLS certificate in Webuzo, you can watch the following video:

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